We are Via: Meet Brian Barkwell
It’s July! We’ve got a brand new post for you this month to introduce you to everyone at Via. From architects to designers and everyone in-between, we would not function the same without our talented staff. This month we share with you Brian Barkwell, Principal Architect and co-owner of Via Design.
How long have you worked at Via?
My memory says 23 years, I started collaborating with Valerie as an architect with another firm, and then after working together for a few years we eventually became business partners.
Val and Brian in early 2000’s.
Where did you grow up? Have you always lived in Michigan?
I grew up in East Grand Rapids, so yes, I've always lived in Michigan. Except when I went to college in Montana for five years. Montana was wonderful. I was intrigued by the romance of the West. First, I went to junior college in Michigan for two years and lived at home, and was planning on going to the University of Michigan. But the West was calling. I was into snow-skiing and loved the mountains. I took a trip to Montana the summer before college and changed my mind last minute.
What made you choose your profession?
I did not always want to be an architect. I didn't always have a direction, as I watched friends leave and decide the path they wanted. I have always liked to draw and was interested in art. I took drafting classes in high school and enjoyed it. What I wanted was to be a cartoonist. My Grandfather was instrumental in my decision though, he supported me and said I could be a cartoonist, but ultimately I needed a professional degree. He was very persuasive, and I admired and respected him a lot. I never thought I would be an architect in my wildest dreams because that's what my Grandfather was, and he was a genius; how could I do that too?
What inspires you in daily life and at work?
In general, it's essential to be aware and in tune with life around you, not just the physical world but the people around you. The world around me inspires me. I am always trying to keep my head in the moment and not daydream too much.
Your favorite hobbies?
I've always been interested in sports, skiing, windsurfing, sailing, love the beach, and live on the beach in the summer.
Tell us about your family, any kids/pets?
I met my wife Sharon when we were kids. We actually were neighbors on the Lake, and I was their paperboy. So I have known her almost all of my life while our families were good friends. Her father taught me how to sail. We were just friends and acquaintances until college, and then after college, we started dating. We have been married 35 years, and we have two lovely daughters. Abby lives in Brooklyn with her husband Justin. My youngest Margie lives in San Diego, California. We enjoy visiting them both as often as often.
What is your life motto/quote?
Simple - “be kind."
What is one thing you wish everyone knew about design/architecture?
For me, there are multiple correct answers to any design problem. I think it's important we're not tied up in the dogma of design. We're not wearing handcuffs about design. Frankly, I like all good design, whether it's traditional or contemporary. Houses are very personal to the client; we're recognizing their vision and trying to create it.
What does your ideal day look like?
It would be hanging out with my family at the beach—family cookouts and bonfires at night and watching the sunset together.
Brian and his wife Sharon.
Your favorite place to eat or drink in Grand Rapids?
We love Bistro Bella Vita. And in the summer, we love grabbing a Fricano's pizza near the beach. I love a good cocktail from a speakeasy and strive to experience a local where we know the servers and workers.
What Staff Says about Brian:
“Brian brings so many creative design solutions to any project, and has a fun approach to getting there and getting it right”
“Great taste in music, always seems to have a good tan ”
“He shaved his mustache once. That was a strange week. Eventually, it grew back.”
“Brian is such a talented artist, he is so inspiring and encouraging. I enjoy hearing about how he starts his paintings and what inspires him. He is a very humble and an awesome guy!”
“Brian humbly knows not only how to create a proper design that is both functional and aesthetic but is also able to pull a proper design beyond, to the next level of sophistication. And he can do this in any style or genre, from traditional styles to contemporary ones and in between. He likes to work with bare feet. He digs tamales. His real job title(s): Surfer, Artist, Architect.”
“Brian is a great surfer! I always laugh when he’s walking around barefoot. His free-hand drawings amaze me, how quickly and well done they are! And lastly, His cartoon drawings are so cool too.”
“Brian is one of the most creative and talented people I know. He thinks like an artist and sees beauty in everything. He is not restricted by trends or by history but truly thinks of each new project as an empty canvas. It is such a privilege to work with him.”